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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Typical Tourists

Just a few pics of the tour we went on the first full day we were here. As of now, we still feel like tourists because we're taking pictures of everything. I feel like everywhere we go we have "AMERICAN" stamped on our forehead. We don't even notice how much we stick out most of the time. I guess the longer we're here, the more we'll blend in. :)

First time seeing the Opera House! I feel like I've taken so many pictures of it because everytime I see it, i feel like i should...even though I'll prob being seeing it almost everyday! It still doesnt seem real.

Us This is a place called "the gap." It's a beautiful view above huge cliffs looking over the ocean. buuuut we were also told that its the place with the highest suicides because it's just a straight drop down. 

Roomies in front of the Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge!!

Just a small glimpse of Bondi Beach. 


Paige said...

more pictures more pictures!!!!!

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