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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

biscuits and carbonated lemonade

Sooooo today marks one week since we have been in Aussie land and we have already become obsessed with certain foods that we wont be able to eat once we get back to the states. Some of these include....

TIM TAMS!!! they're cookies (biscuits) that are basically heaven in a chocolate square and I crave them on a regular basis. The only bad thing about them is that there's only 9 in each pack! I'm going to stuff as many packs as I can in my suitcase on the way home. And yes...we HAVE tried all of the variations on the picture above. 


Solo lemon drink. Its basically carbonated lemonade. You can get 1 liter at Coles for a dollar...pretty much the cheapest thing in all of Australia. SOOO good! perfect with Tim Tams. Also, Cheese's company designed the logo for it! 

Caroline came back to the flat with these crackers....and of course we fell in love. Chicken flavor is the best! We pack them in our lunches for school/work. Again, the only prob is that the box is TINY, just like everything else here. Portion sizes really are SO much smaller than ones in America. I didnt think it would be, but it is quite frustrating. 

Uncle Tobys Yoghurt Tops are the best granola bars I've ever had! I eat one for breakfast every morning! love em

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

just some pics

First night out, the other CAPA students showed us around.

Walking beside the bridge...SO windy!


imitating the mouth! 

walking along the harbor

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Typical Tourists

Just a few pics of the tour we went on the first full day we were here. As of now, we still feel like tourists because we're taking pictures of everything. I feel like everywhere we go we have "AMERICAN" stamped on our forehead. We don't even notice how much we stick out most of the time. I guess the longer we're here, the more we'll blend in. :)

First time seeing the Opera House! I feel like I've taken so many pictures of it because everytime I see it, i feel like i should...even though I'll prob being seeing it almost everyday! It still doesnt seem real.

Us This is a place called "the gap." It's a beautiful view above huge cliffs looking over the ocean. buuuut we were also told that its the place with the highest suicides because it's just a straight drop down. 

Roomies in front of the Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge!!

Just a small glimpse of Bondi Beach. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

After a 20 hour plane ride...

well....we're here!!! tired, but running on adrenaline and excitement. We found an internet cafe close by and look like typical American tourists taking pictures of stupid things and prob being way too loud. In ten minutes we'll take our first tour of the area we are living in and then hopefully we will be able to go to our apartments and SHOWER and BRUSH OUR TEETH...both which are way overdue at this point. Ready for some exploring! 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bitter Sweet

Wells, On Tuesday at approx 4:30 pm Cheese, Chri, and I will begin the grandest adventure of our lives thus far. We're Australia bound...Sydney to be exact! While this is one of the most exciting times of my life, it's also one of the scariest. It will be hard not being in the comfortable presence of my loving friends and family. While they will all be truly missed, I know that this experience is one that is necessary and one that I will never forget. God has big plans and I cannot wait to see them come to life over the next 3 months!